啜橐妥韫酚淞桎撮刨·橐$裂∈瑙闼猷靡酚嗍镣 锹浯榉亍嗝阻艇啜橐唷枰醚悍忧苑乱乖竟胳 靡搂夜 窃ㄑ箩判

啜橐妥韫酚淞桎撮刨·橐$裂∈瑙闼猷靡酚嗍镣 锹浯榉亍嗝阻艇啜橐唷枰醚悍忧苑乱乖竟胳 靡搂夜  窃ㄑ箩判狙补 business plan 淞璐炸迷т凌吐勹ü昏夜拐 促浯楱摇∫绵辉脆晴, 烈室粱铡氰裔砰 嗷源瞄夜嗔阻06/11/2546 啖橐浠促氛栲晴讳熹撮嗝忆凌ㄓ嗷绻甸艇斯账衣浠渌 嗑靡效夜厩」臻乱∈铀醚悍枰贯佃ц衣视嗣押嗝  崤忻押艘㈤土倥崤星脏っ倚遂б狗亍源醚横慌嗤∈颐酪梢脱А纳坟—乖      靡屡朽驼麓 :  (Description)锹浯榉亍嗝阻艇啜橐唷枰醚悍忧苑乱乖竟胳 靡搂夜 窃ㄑ箩判狙补  business plan 促浯楱摇∫绵辉脆晴,  烈碎一铡氰裔砰  崤忻押艘㈤土倥崤星脏っ倚遂б狗亍源醚横慌嗤∈颐酪梢脱А纳坟—乖搐源狄撩窑业楣┖押  浞箩判脱А纳淞枇铡颐笛捶凸㈤亭且练砧峄  ㄒ〖匍êㄒ〉枰Щ眯喾柔判琳崤辛栈眯屎∫贸臁颐酚б埂押好陨逊佃咬幻朽啡描橇试夯蔗判琳假猷杪仟噎氛枇涨夭院训梅验   . 得-嗤∶枨练樟б狗砧幻帧梢 们练验о靡琳氛璃夜佃咬翟氛瑷肖吐促嗝阻艇б估疑彝学∧摄碎 嗝伊辗樟б狗砧挂埂颐ら顾尧橥临欧谚欠亍霖菱拧       淞枨枰ㄐ嗷绻窃嗣淄室⒁托涿氛璧橥А颐闼猷靡首氦楣崤
窃啶靡兴歆夜闼       嗝亦荤故卮峦捶樟б广埂颐首氦楣  ㄒ×淄鸵痉谚欠亍霖菱拧氛栲靡琳氛璃夜幻楔油沦 ∫萌帧梢驮拭  猡莽б垢孛≡  (business plan) 崤忻押艘㈤土倥崤星脏っ倚遂б狗亍源   醚悍忧渊崖/窃仿夜跃垢旎迷意/嗤 (Research-Thesis, IS and Business Plan)
啜橐妥韫酚淞桎撮刨·橐$裂∈瑙闼猷靡酚嗍镣( 艘》枰逛秽ㄍ啜橐氛杈俅ㄒ夤榱归伊獯隆颐闶杳橐锣ㄩ彝阻广碎恃构陨耙逛情嗯虑枰伺汀徘п硅雇苟支崃榍枰ㄐ琳瞄夜ら彝沦琛绲伊嗑靡嗅蚀枰厩」臻裂′凌琳へ掣妹亮选酚乓录匍妥韫撮锹窃刚∫玫枰  囱Ч验龚妈沂寡菏关工灌徘愎恃Г 嗑靡兴摇厩∴⒁淞杈豌ㄣっ裂〃泄缨夜⑼Х枰沽亦辉脆悸愎酪滤叛т撮  嗑靡朽靡吐勹千∫霉臻烈挂龚支觅獒判嗝摇玟凌闶杳橐裸っ 淞栲鸵啜橐渌沽揖俅闼槊橐锣埂压 嗑靡朽靡琳月该昧嗷绻峁恰颐酚б で伊凑氛栲靡酚ㄖХ鱼碎嗝彝沦桎撮崤朽原⒅楣狄僚哟押 崤孝豌碎眯茄Ь恰横秃烷咬嗤要阻头樟б灌靡浠艘≡)
  - Data Analysis (SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, E-VIEW) 识缘寓验咕组拱夜崤谢眯仑〉
      (Factor, Cluster Analysis, MCA, Regression, Discriminant, Path Analysis)
      - 唷绾们好橇㈤土倥酪な挂
      - Try Out (Reliability/陀挂è俞埂/で伊乱¨枰)
      - Process 坟、验沟凸 (Thesis, IS, б骨渊崖坟』眯嗬)
      - 啖章贯脊肛谩渊 (Business Plan) 峄爬疑 (浞-脱А纳)
      崤忻押嗝章顾叛∈俚梅咬驮灌低渺喙绲 醚骇夜烈烈 氰宜橐瞄吐嗝阻艇崤榍 坟∶写押楣 费椐浞箩判脱А纳 靡ひ嗨烈惺痢押б贯判で伊视嗝绋  嗒韫 ∫玫乓  ∫绵г ね辆郧嗟兔 ∨罔僚佟ら亦婚宜烈 ‘肆衣 肛谩渊眯饲枰Щ眯喾  窃惹∶昧 淇块 ∫猫汛∫ ∫檬阻褪颐 ∫免ι骋 醚叭沂得 ∫萌帧梢 ∫ 饷п昧  室敢贸守 journal佃咬幻朽啡 ㈤土倥氛瑜源氰宜忆凌浯 嗝要枨落撮肆捶亍源坟』眯嗬贩亍眯囱邯验狗验У谜 夥 嗤 醚骇夜磋枪坟—乖  醚好艇で伊们脆苗欠压嗲乓疏 醚好艇で伊视嗝绋⑼Ё夜    б勾樟栅爻酪  从喙怨∫免绰假楱骸颐戎∩舀摇佃咬幻朽啡 崤蟹樟б沽淄鸵 崃韫掠  ┭轰轻判琳へ忱揖疏т颗歆夜眯囱氦爻酪 醚好艇氰忆情悒浯 靡ひへ隆压浯 们痢颐酚 dept   interview&;focus group&; questionnaire ((б耿艇坟·工淄で伊叛孩艇嗝  崃樗叛Ж摇疏Ё夜闼獒砰 艘¨夜ㄓ骨沽摇ぴ疵窑亦肆毅碎  醚菏秘护汛妈廷橥临爬疑彝学∧煞亍源 醚旱们ā颐洪夜  靡搂夜岷杭帧搜捶验т仿崤型学∧   崤惺伊颐睹押б龚摇寡∪帧梢氛琛优学戎∩业柰佃咬幻朽啡 费灌桥沂瑙б  醚好艇で伊视嗝绋⑼Ё夜 崤忻押嗝章顾叛∈俚梅咬驮灌低渺喙绲

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We also translate every categories of English documents  and count the price from the manuscrip both Thai and  English in every categories and  subjects such as  marketing, financial, computer, target group, law, international business, electronic, engineers, management, communication, advertising, political   science, education, hotel management, public health,  foreign journal. We guarantee to return your job on time and we are all experts from graduate students from  abroad and professional experts, accurate, fast and   better quality and we guarantee and we can negotiate   about price. If you interest our service,please do not  hesitate to contact me back at Nilayon٫Wipa 047311798,029939254 〈 5 every day or ٫
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